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Services can be provided separately or combined in a personalized treatment plan

Acupuncture and Microcurrent Facial Rejuvenation must be scheduled in separate appointments

Acupuncture in Barrington, IL

Is a system of integrative medicine that involves placing needles at specific points to alleviate pain and to treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions.  Originating in ancient China, acupuncture is now widely practiced in the West and around the world. 

Herbal Medicine in Barrington, IL

Chinese herbal formulas improve the health of the whole body by treating patterns from signs and symptoms of the patient.  Herbal medicine is based on almost 2,000 years of written instructions of pattern differentiations to address multiple patterns of with varying symptoms.

Cupping in Barrington, IL

Is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a cup is placed on the skin to create suction.  It is used to relieve aches and pains, improve circulation and blood flow, decrease inflammation, and increase relaxation.  Cupping dates to ancient Egyptian and Chinese cultures.

Gua Sha in Barrington, IL

Is used to treat chronic pain all over the body and is used alongside other treatments like acupuncture, herbal medicine, and heat therapy.  It is a natural, alternative therapy in which a trained professional strokes the skin with a smooth-edged tool to improve circulation.

Microcurrent facial with cupping and gua sha

Graceful aging doesn't have to be painful, risky, toxic, or require downtime.

Our exclusive facial rejuvenation approach consists of frequency-specific microcurrent combined with traditional Chinese medicine methods of facial gua sha plus cupping applied with essential oils to tone and scupt the skin and facial muscles.

Acupuncture, RRT, moxibustion

We utilize numerous other healing modalities such as Moxibustion, Electroacupuncture, Rapid Release Technology, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle recommendations to formulate a comprehensive treatment plan focused on the restoration of inner balance for optimal vitality.



  • Complementary Consulation without treatment, 20 min  -   $0

  • Acupuncture treatment,  60 minutes - $82

  • Discounts for combination of acupuncture and facial rejuvenation bookings

Facial Rejuvenation


  • Complementary Consulation without treatment, 20 min  -   $0

  • Single treatment,  60 minutes - $165

  • Package of 3 treatments - $435

          (equals $145 ea, a $60 savings)

© 2024, Aimee AcuBalance, PLLC

restoring Balance to enhance health

acupuncture,  gua sha, cupping, herbal medicine, facial rejuvenation, microcurrent  in Barrington, IL

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